Davis had his breathing tube taken out this morning! This is a huge milestone in his recovery. He is still on a little bit of oxygen. He got to sit up this morning, and he has been awake quite a bit. He is off several medications, and one by one they will not be needed. He still has the chest tubes in, and those will probably come off tomorrow. Here in a little while, Davis will be offered a bottle of breast milk - knowing Davis, I have a feeling he will do quite well. If so, his feeding tube will come out. We will be moving to the regular pediatric floor either tonight or tomorrow if everything goes well!
Such a cute little trooper |
I am overwhelmingly pleased with his progress in the last 48 hours; those first 48 hours were rough! I will admit that, in a way, having him awake is almost tougher on me as his mama because he is so pitiful and aware enough to know he just wants his mommy! He is making some sounds now, little whimpers and coughs, and his eyes are wide open now at times; in those big brown eyes I see fear and discomfort. :( He has begun to cry several times as I've tried to soothe him; I know he just wants to be picked up. I may get to hold him this afternoon; if not today, then for sure tomorrow.
So now the hope is for his recovery to continue as quickly and easily as it has the last day or so, that he continues to receive good care from his nurses (we've had a few issues in the last 24 hours), and that he does not have to suffer too much mentally or physically.
We just love Davis SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much, and he may just be the most well-loved boy I know. The support from our family, friends, and people we don't even know has just been AMAZING! We received more E-cards today and read each one to Davis. They are so cute and fun to receive, and I'll be saving them for Davis to keep and read one day so that he'll know how much people cared about him and what a trooper he was.
Peace Baby!
Go Davis! Can you imagine how excited he will be when you get to hold him? Almost like holding him for the first time again! I'm sure you're just about to jump out of your skin with anticipation. We will keep praying for a smooth recovery, and baby laughs and smiles to soothe his Mommy, too :) Love from Chattanooga!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see that he is doing well!! Momma I know this has to be hard but hang in there cause god has him in his arms:). In our prayers always.