
Saturday, September 7, 2013

One year - reflections

One year ago today, after spending the better part of the day waiting...and waiting...and waiting...I got to hold my baby's hand in his little corner of the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit; he had a new battle wound and was on life support, and I sang to him, not knowing if he could hear me...

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

The last line was a prayer.  This was my new reality for the next couple of days, a reality no mother would ever wish to face.

My prayer was answered.

Eight days after my child had open heart surgery, he got to come home.  The days, weeks, and months passed as he continued to improve and get stronger.  Today, Davis is doing absolutely phenomenal!  We haven't had our one-year heart check-up yet, but I have no doubt we will get a good report.

One year later, you can just barely see his scar. 

I recently read back over my blog posts during our days in the hospital, and I have to admit that re-living the situation through my writings and the pictures is almost unbearable for me.  I was SO strong, as was my husband, our support network of friends and family, and most of all little Davis.  I welcome you to read over the posts as well - at the time, it was a way to keep everyone at home updated; but the details are still there to possibly help others who may have to endure a similar situation.

Happiness is our current reality.  I have never been happier, and anyone who knows Davis knows he is full of joy.  He is the light of my life.

I love you Davis and am so proud of you!!!  Thank you for entering our world and for being exactly who you are.