
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sign Language

Today Davis's early interventionist came to the house to work with us.  This is part of our Family Service Plan we devised for Davis with our TEIS case worker.  It's going REALLY well - Davis LOVES it!  And I learn a lot too about things I can do throughout the day to encourage him to further his development.

We worked on gripping with hands, mouth exploration, and neck support.  He is getting so strong!

She brought over some information about using sign language with Davis.  I am super-excited about starting this with Davis, and we began implementing it into our routines today.  We are starting with just a few words: milk, play, sleep, etc...  Some folks speculate that using sign language with babies will cause language delays, but research actually shows that it encourages language development.

So I'm curious...has anyone reading this post used sign language with your child?  And if so, how did it go?  Any tips or suggestions for us?


  1. We used sign language with both, but more with Jack. It was nice for both because they could tell us what they wanted from about 8 months or so. Jack used a lot of signs, and Owen used mostly milk, more, and eat (which is no surprise knowing Owen now). I definitely don't think it causes language delays, at least long term--there's some research that suggests teaching any child more than one language at a time causes short term delays, but once they start talking, those delays disappear. But learning a few signs to help with communicating needs and wants is not the same as immersing a child in two languages. Once he begins to talk, he will likely use both the sign and the word, and then eventually, just the word. But signing is a great tool to use to help your child communicate before they are physically ready to speak the words. It's nice as a mom to feel like you have something that you can do to help them, but just know it takes months and months before you actually see him sign back. It's totally worth it, though! There is a baby einstein sign language DVD that Jack loved (and good for you to learn too) and learned every sign on it by 15 months. Have fun signing!

  2. Oooohhh...I'll have get that video! Thanks for the info Brandi!
